Single Clamp Perfect Binder


l Single Clamp Hot-melt Perfect Binder with adjustable
clamping device

l               Speed – 550 Cycles/Hour

l               Combination Milling station with Cutter, notching teeth and powerful dust extractor.

l               Spine Gluing – 03 Roller gluing system

l               Provision for side gluing for better cover adhering.

l               Adjustable nipping pressure at cover nipping station with programmable timer

l               Spine Length – 70 – 440 mm

l               Spine Thickness – 03 mm – 80 mm

l               Efficient temperature control, and quick job changeover system

l               Glue Tank Capacity – 3 Kg.

l               Conveyer delivery system.


Single Clamp Prefect Binding Machine

Type: Note Book Binding Machine – Single Clamp Perfect Binder

Milling cutter with notching tool for exposing maximum fiber, efficient waste exhaust, glue penetration through the reverse spinning drum and built-in side gluing mechanism ensures excellent results.


l               Book clamp easily adjustable with handle and applies uniform pressure on each book .

l               Spine preparation consists of a combination of notching tool and dust cutters.

l               Hot melt roller application system equipped with a roller and scraper mechanism the glue
film thickness is controlled by adjustable doctor blades.

l               Nipping station presses the spine and sides of the book with motorized forward and reverses

l               The duration of nipping applied pressure is determined by the pneumatic timer.

l               Auto cycle on time, nipping on time and the delivery duration time is adjustable and       controlled by pneumatic timers.

l               Jogging & Clamping provision is automatic

l               Single Clamp with fine adjustment of clamp flat.

l               Easy job change over.

l               Cover nipping station with facility to control the nipping and cover breaking pressure. Facility to vary the duration of nipping.

l               Book cover & delivery sensors.

l               Binding thickness: up to 2.36” (60 mm) . Using Hot melt adhesive.

l               Edge Squaring – inbuilt facility.

l               Creasing – inbuilt facility.

l               Sturdy Build and High quality finish.

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